Use Thermal Storage Tanks in Data Centres to Go Green & Efficient

Have you ever wondered how data centres keep their temperature cool while processing our digital world? 

With the help of - thermal storage tanks. These tanks are crucial as they ensure servers and systems stay at the right temperature. This prevents issues of overheating and keeps things running smoothly.

But how do they do it? 

Let's understand it here along with why these tanks are crucial. We'll explore their functions and how they contribute to the reliability and efficiency of data centres.

What is a Thermal Storage Tank?

How do these Thermal Storage Tanks Function?

Purpose of Emergency Heat Storage Tank Use

3 Key Components Integral to Thermal Storage Tanks

Applications of Thermal Storage Tanks 

Advantages of Using Thermal Storage Tanks in Data Centers

Maintenance Tips for the Longevity of Thermal Storage Tanks

Industry Trends and Innovations in Thermal Storage Tanks for Data Centers in India



What is a Thermal Storage Tank?

The thermal storage tank is a special reservoir storing chilled water to improve cooling and save energy for digital hubs. It acts as an energy reserve, tackling cooling challenges. These tanks, often linked with renewable sources, play a key role in managing energy effectively, storing extra heat for later use.

Now let’s look at its functionality. 

How Do Thermal Storage Tanks Work?

Thermal storage tanks work by storing excess heat during times of energy surplus. They then release this stored thermal energy when there is increased demand, or during the power cut transition phase ensuring a constant and dependable energy supply. 

This dynamic process highlights the crucial role these tanks play in managing heat efficiently for a reliable energy system.

Purpose of Emergency Heat Storage Tank Use

An image showing Beltecno’s emergency heat storage tank use

In normal operation, cold water circulates to cool the system. However, in the event of an emergency, the following stages occur:

  1. Stage 1 - Power outage occurs.

  2. Stage 2 - Emergency power supply operation initiates.

  3. Stage 3 - Cooling operation resumes.

There will be a time lag of approximately 10 to 15 minutes between stages 1 and 3. During this period, the distributor in the tank is utilized to suppress or delay the outflow of cold water. 

The primary objective is to minimize the rise in room temperature in the server room. Given the sensitivity of servers to heat and the critical importance of preserving data even in the face of functional failure, this measure is crucial.

A heat storage tank equipped with this distributor was included as part of the air conditioning system for the data centre. In today's context, with growing concerns about climate change and the risks associated with global warming and large earthquakes, safeguarding the internet's essential infrastructure becomes paramount. 

Now, let's delve into the three crucial components of thermal storage tanks. 

3 Key Components Integral to Thermal Storage Tanks

The effectiveness of thermal storage tanks in data centres hinges on three critical components:

1. Robust Insulation

Thermal storage tanks use advanced insulation to reduce heat transfer. This maintains efficient retention of thermal energy for extended periods, minimizing losses and maximizing system performance.

2. Effective Heat Exchanger

This component helps transfer thermal energy between stored water and the data centre cooling system. The heat exchanger prioritizes efficient transfer for optimal and timely cooling or heating of server and equipment units.

3. Advanced Temperature Control Systems

Precise temperature control is crucial for efficient and reliable operation. Thermal storage tanks incorporate sophisticated systems that continuously monitor and regulate water temperature. 

These systems control water flow and temperature to keep the data centre at optimal thermal conditions for stable server performance. The collaboration of these components boosts data centre efficiency, resilience, and sustainability.

For instance, Daikin Air Conditioning Pvt Ltd has successfully optimized its machine cooling operations by adopting a customized thermal storage solution from Beltecno. The tailored solution includes a W-4 x L-6 x H-4 meter tank with a volumetric capacity of 96 cubic meters. This tank is equipped with aluminum-insulated covers and stainless steel panels, guaranteeing accurate maintenance of water temperature within the range of 7-12 degrees. 

This collaboration highlights Beltecno's expertise in tackling temperature control challenges, specifically tailored for machine cooling applications, demonstrating its adaptability beyond traditional data centre cooling systems.

Now, let's unravel the real-world applications of thermal storage tanks.

Applications of Thermal Storage Tanks

Thermal storage tanks aren't just about keeping servers cool; they offer remarkable versatility within the dynamic landscape of data centres. Here are some key applications showcasing their diverse contributions:

  • Peak Demand Management: Store chilled water during off-peak hours when electricity costs are lower, then utilize it during peak periods, reducing chiller runtime and peak charges.

  • Load Shifting: Shift cooling demand away from peak hours to optimize energy consumption and potentially negotiate lower electricity rates with utility providers.

  • Renewable Energy Integration: Integrate with renewable energy sources like solar or geothermal to store excess energy as chilled water, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

  • Backup Cooling: Provide a critical buffer in case of power outages, extending server uptime and preventing downtime.

  • Emergency Response: Maintain server temperatures during unexpected cooling system failures until repairs are completed, minimizing disruption.

  • Improved Grid Stability: Reduce peak demand on the electrical grid, contributing to grid stability and minimizing potential outages.

  • Resource Efficiency: Minimize water consumption through efficient water management systems within the tanks.

  • Circular Economy Integration: Utilize excess heat from other data centre processes to maximize energy efficiency and minimize waste.

  • Enhanced HVAC Efficiency: Store chilled water or cool air during periods of lower demand to effectively regulate temperatures and ensure optimal server conditions.

By harnessing the versatility of thermal storage tanks, data centres can pave the way for a more efficient, resilient, and sustainable future.

Advantages of Thermal Storage Tanks in Data Centers

In the dynamic landscape of data centres, the integration of thermal storage tanks emerges as a strategic solution. These advanced storage systems bring forth a myriad of advantages, ensuring the seamless operation and efficiency of critical data infrastructure.

  • Reduced energy costs: Save money through off-peak electricity utilization, potential negotiation for lower rates, and decreased reliance on fossil fuels.

  • Improved operational resilience: Minimize downtime with backup cooling, emergency response capabilities, and enhanced grid stability.

  • Increased environmental sustainability: Achieve sustainability goals by reducing carbon footprint through renewable energy integration and resource efficiency.

  • Enhanced HVAC performance: Optimize HVAC system efficiency through effective temperature management and extended equipment lifespan.

Now let’s explore the tips to maintain these tanks. 

Maintenance Tips for the Longevity of Thermal Storage Tanks

To ensure thermal storage tanks operate at their best, adopt effective maintenance practices: 

  1. Regular Inspections: Make a habit of checking your thermal storage tank regularly. Look out for signs of corrosion, leaks, or structural issues. This simple step helps catch potential problems early, preventing more significant damage.

  2. Cleaning Procedures: Keep your tank clean by removing debris, sediment, or contaminants regularly. This not only maintains optimal heat transfer but also prevents corrosion or microbial growth.

  3. Professional Maintenance Services: Invest in professional maintenance services at regular intervals. Trained technicians can perform in-depth assessments and handle tasks that may be challenging for routine checks, ensuring the tank operates efficiently.

  4. Calibration of Temperature Controls: Regularly calibrate temperature control systems to ensure accuracy. Calibration prevents deviations that can affect the tank's ability to regulate heat efficiently, contributing to overall system efficiency.

  5. Monitoring and Data Analysis: Implement continuous monitoring systems to track tank performance. Analysing data provides insights into usage patterns, temperature variations, and potential issues, guiding proactive maintenance.

With these tips, you can not only prolong the tanks' lifespan but also guarantee efficient performance. Moving ahead let’s discover industry trends and innovations here. 

Optimise Your Data Centres With Beltecno’s Thermal Storage Tanks – Contact Us 

Industry Trends and Innovations in Thermal Storage Tanks for Data Centers in India

India's data centre market is growing. There's a big demand for good cooling solutions. Thermal storage tanks are becoming crucial in managing data centre temperature. They're changing how we handle data centre thermal management.

The Promise of Thermal Storage:

Traditional data centre cooling uses energy-hungry chillers, which cost a lot and increase the carbon footprint. Thermal storage tanks provide a better option. They store chilled water, letting chillers work efficiently or be turned off during peak demand. This leads to:

  • Reduced energy consumption: With rising electricity costs and environmental concerns, data centres are looking for ways to optimize energy consumption. Thermal storage tanks offer an avenue for reducing cooling energy usage.

  • Enhanced operational resilience: Stored chilled water helps keep servers cool during power outages, preventing expensive downtime. According to the Uptime Institute, outages costing over $100,000 have increased, with 60% causing at least that much loss, up from 39% in 2019. The share of outages costing over $1 million has risen from 11% to 15%. This shows the need for solutions to reduce downtime and financial risks.

  • Optimised peak demand management: Thermal storage can help avoid costly peak energy charges by shifting cooling to off-peak hours.

Innovations Reshaping the Market

The thermal storage tank market in India is witnessing a wave of innovation, fueled by both domestic and global players. Beltecno, a leader in the tank manufacturing industry, stands at the forefront with its cutting-edge solutions:

  • Advanced materials: Beltecno's tanks utilise high-performance insulation materials like polyurethane foam and polyisocyanurate, minimising thermal losses and maximising energy savings. 

  • Intelligent control systems: Beltecno integrates smart controllers with its tanks, enabling real-time monitoring, data analysis, and automated optimization of charging and discharging cycles for maximum efficiency.

  • Modular design: Beltecno offers modular tank systems, allowing for seamless scaling and customization based on specific data centre requirements. This flexibility aligns with the trend of distributed and edge computing solutions gaining traction in India.

Further Insights:

  • MarketsandMarkets reported that the global thermal storage tank market revenue was $188 million in 2020. It is expected to reach $369 million by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 14.4% from 2020 to 2025. The growth is driven by the rising demand for electricity during peak hours, the increased commercialization of CSP plants, and the demand for heating & cooling applications for smart infrastructure.

By leveraging thermal storage technology, Indian data centres can guarantee uninterrupted digital services and contribute to a more sustainable and energy-efficient future.


Thermal storage tanks are here to stay, not just sci-fi. They help data centres run cool and green by storing cold water like a high-tech ice pack. This means:

  • Lower energy bills: Save up to 15% on chiller costs, keeping your wallet happy.

  • No sweat during outages: Cold water keeps servers chilled even if the lights go out, preventing data disasters.

  • Smarter energy use: Move cooling to off-peak hours to avoid peak charges and be kinder to the grid.

  • Go green, be proud: Thermal storage works with renewable energy, shrinking your data centre's carbon footprint.

  • Happy servers, happy you: Chilled water keeps servers running smooth, meaning better performance and reliability.

India's data boom needs these cool solutions! Beltecno, a leader in thermal storage tanks, is at the front of the pack. Beltecno's dedication to cutting-edge tech and customer needs helps data centres achieve the triple win: efficiency, resilience, and sustainability. Let's embrace thermal storage and build a cooler, greener digital future, one data centre at a time!

Optimise Your Data Centres With Beltecno’s Thermal Storage Tanks – Contact Us


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