Indian water industry in 2021 and its major initiatives and developments.

Water Industry is India is set to introduce  various new technologies and changes in coming future. rapid urbanization is one of the reasons why change is required. Climate change, Increasing fresh water demands, Automation and digitization are the main factors and important for water companies to stay competitive within the industry. 

Such factors are eventually turning  into futuristic opportunities which will benefit businesses, customers and the environment. Below are the major industry innovations of 2021 which will be the contributors in growth in water industry. 

Future Indian Water innovations in different sectors.  

1) Non-Revenue Water (NRW)

  • There is a variation in NRW and it depend on different locations and water applications, it varies somewhere between 30% to 50% in Indian cities. And it require of new technology introduction in metering, automation processes, equipment to monitor and control Non revenue water.   
  • Smart Cities Mission and the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) focus on reducing NRW.


  • It  has a high potential of doing business into metering, instrumentation and equipment supply. 

2) Irrigation system

  • Most of the water is used in irrigation, it is total 80% of available water resources in the country, And if we talk about the water use efficiency of irrigation projects, Its very low and only 30-35%. 
  • Its high time to introduce new methods and technologies such as drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting, cloud based micro irrigation, sprinkler to increase water use efficiency. 


  • In coming times its great to educate farmers to use water wisely and implement these sustainable methods in farming. 

3) Urban and rural water supply & distribution

  • India is place to have a good amount of rain fall each year which is average of 1170 mm each year, but due to lack of technology and resources stores only 6% of rainwater (Date from Ministry of water resources, River development of Ganga Rejuvenation).
  • According  to the Central Water Commission water levels in 91 major Indian reservoirs are at 25% of its total capacity which is 30% lower than last year and 2% less than the average storage in a decade.   


  • India will have to face water deficit of around 50% by 2030 according to Asian Development Bank)
  • According to Central Ground Water Control, water having arsenic affects over 900 million people in India. (Central Ground Water Control). 
  • So its time to introduce new plumbing technologies and water storage methods has a high growth potential in coming years. 

Wastewater Treatment

  • According to one report from world bank India's total water and sanitation sector is worth around $400 million with annual growth rate of 18%.
  • Around 70 % - 80 % of wastewater directly goes back into environment without any treatment. 
  • According to CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) report in 2015 at present India can treat approximately 37% of its wastewater which is 22,963 million Ltrs/day (MLD) against 61,754 MLD sewage generated from more than 900 STPs. 

Solar-powered water supply

  • In 2014, the Government of India announced a target to install 1 million solar water pumps, equivalent to approximately 3,000 MW, for irrigation and drinking water by 2021.
  • As of January 2018, 142,000 solar pumps have been deployed in India.

Indian Water Industry

  • More than 50 per cent of these pumps have been deployed in Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, and Rajasthan.

Beltecno is one of the oldest companies in the world to manufacture stainless steel water tanks and having a vision to provide clean water to all. 

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