How Much Do Water Storage Costs? Cost, Value, Lifetime ROI

Are you considering investing in a water storage tank but feeling a bit overwhelmed by the costs involved? 

Don't worry; you're not alone. 

Many businesses are grappling with the same question: How much do water storage costs?

 In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive deep into the world of water storage costs, exploring everything from the initial investment to the long-term returns. 

By the time you finish reading, you'll have a clear understanding of the cost, value, and lifetime ROI of water storage.


The Initial Water Tank Cost

Before we dive into the details, let's start with the basics: the upfront cost of a water storage tank. The cost of a water tank can vary significantly depending on various factors. 

These include the tank's size, material, brand, and whether you choose an above-ground or underground tank.

The size of the tank is perhaps the most significant determinant of cost. Smaller tanks, typically those with capacities ranging from 1000 to 5000 litres tanks may look affordable but if we calculate per/litre basis larger the tank size cost becomes more economical i.e. less per/ltrs one e.g. the per/ltr cost of 1000 litres tanks would be INR. 50-60  however the in case of 20,000 litres tank, it would be INR. 35-40 per/litre likewise the price becomes more economical higher the tank capacity.

Material matters too. Plastic tanks are generally less expensive than stainless steel water storage tanks or concrete water storage tanks, but they may have a shorter lifespan. 

Stainless steel water storage tanks can have a higher initial cost than other types of water storage tank however, it has a longer shelf life with good recycle value at the time of tank demolition or completion of life span. 

Infographic of concrete tank cost vs stainless steel panel tank cost


What Influences Water Tanks Cost?

Let's take a closer look at some of the factors that can influence the cost of your water storage tank:

1. Material

As mentioned earlier, the material of the tank can significantly impact its cost. Plastic tanks are often the most budget-friendly option, while stainless steel and concrete tanks tend to be more expensive due to their durability and longevity.

2. Size

The size of the tank is directly proportional to the cost. Larger tanks cost more, but they also provide a greater storage capacity. Your choice should align with your water needs. (Or smaller the tank size per/ltr cost is higher and proportionately decreased the per/ltr cost.

3. Installation

The cost of installation can vary depending on whether you choose an above-ground or underground tank. Excavation and labour costs for an underground tank can drive up the overall price.

4. Location

Local factors such as labour costs, permits, and regulations can also affect the total installation cost. Be sure to research the specific requirements in your area.

The Value of Water Tanks and Savings

While the initial cost of a water storage tank may give you pause, it's essential to consider the long-term value it provides. Investing in a water storage tank can lead to significant savings down the line. Here's how:

Water Conservation

Water storage tanks allow you to collect rainwater and store it for later use, reducing your reliance on municipal water supplies. This can lead to lower water bills over time, making your investment worthwhile.

Emergency Preparedness

In areas prone to water shortages or natural disasters, having a water storage tank can be a lifesaver. It ensures you have access to clean water during emergencies, potentially saving you from getting supply water manually.

Calculating Lifetime ROI of Water Storage Tank

Now that we've explored the initial costs and the value a water storage tank can bring. 

Now let’s measure the lifetime return on investment (ROI) of this investment. ROI is a critical metric that helps you assess whether your investment was worthwhile over the long run.

To calculate the ROI of a water storage tank, consider the following factors:

Maintenance Costs 

Factor in the cost of tank maintenance, including cleaning, repairs, and any necessary upgrades.

Property Value: 

Assess whether the presence of a water storage tank increases your business processes. This can positively impact your ROI, especially if you plan to sell your home or business in the future.

Recycle value

After the completion of the water tank’s lifespan, you will get the recycle value in the case of the stainless steel tank which may not be possible in other segments of water tanks, which will help in recovering the initial cost.


Calculating ROI: A Comprehensive Approach

Now that we've identified the key factors, it's time to put them into a structured ROI calculation. Here's the formula:

ROI (%) = [(Total Benefits - Total Costs) / Total Costs] x 100

Total Benefits: Include all the anticipated benefits over the expected lifespan of your water storage tanks. This encompasses operational savings, avoided downtime costs, and environmental benefits.

Be meticulous in your calculations, as these long-term benefits can often outweigh the initial investment.

Total Costs: This encompasses not only the initial investment but also ongoing maintenance costs and any operational expenses tied to the system. Be sure to factor in the total cost of ownership over the system's lifespan.


Tips for Cost-Effective Water Storage Tank

Now that you're well-versed in the cost, value, and ROI of water storage, let's explore some practical tips to help you make the most of your investment:

1. Choose the Right Size

Opt for a tank size that aligns with your water needs. Oversized tanks can lead to unnecessary expenses.

2. Regular Maintenance

Keep your tank well-maintained to extend its lifespan and avoid costly repairs.

3. Explore Financing Options

If the upfront cost is a concern, look into financing or leasing options that can help you spread out the expenses.

4. Local Incentives

Research whether your local government offers incentives or rebates for installing water storage systems. These can offset your costs.

Bonus tip to save on water tank cost 

Stainless steel panel tank ready to use

You can invest in Stainless Steel water storage panel tanks which can be used for commercial and industrial purposes. You may need to invest in a higher cost in the beginning, however, you can enjoy a durable water storage system.

Since you can customise the stainless steel water storage tanks the cost may vary as per the different sizes of the tank. 

There are many advantages of stainless steel water storage tanks apart from cost and ROI.

Read how stainless steel water storage tanks can revolutionise your operations.

Going Green with Water Storage Tank

According to the article, Stainless Sustainability: The Circular Economy of Metal, Stainless steel is a fantastically green material because it is 100 percent recyclable

In an increasingly eco-conscious world, it's crucial to consider the environmental impact of your choices. Water storage tanks can contribute to a greener future in several ways:

Reduced Water Waste

By collecting and using rainwater, you're helping conserve a precious resource and reduce the strain on water treatment plants.

Lower Carbon Footprint

Using stored rainwater for irrigation or other non-potable purposes reduces the energy required to pump and treat water, thus lowering your carbon footprint.

Promoting Sustainability

Installing a water storage tank showcases your commitment to sustainability, which can be an attractive feature for eco-conscious customers or buyers.

The Power of Informed Decision-Making 

In simple terms, when you're thinking about storing water for your business, it's not just about spending money; it's about making your operations stronger and more eco-friendly.

To figure out if it's worth it, you need to look at the big picture. Think about not only the upfront costs but also the long-term advantages.

By doing a thorough calculation, you can make smart choices that not only save you money but also help the environment and make your business more resilient.

This is what modern businesses aim for – finding the right balance between spending and getting value and making investments that lead to a smarter and greener future.

So, whether you're considering getting a new water storage system or checking your current one, don't forget to weigh the cost against the benefits.

Figuring out the long-term value of your water storage investment might uncover opportunities that can change the future of your business.


For more information regarding our stainless steel panel tanks download our product brochure by clicking the button below, drop us your requirement at  or call us at any of the given numbers +91 9116009580/+91 7300084028 

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