Customer Testimonial – NHVS (Northeast Electric Group High Voltage Switchgear Co. Ltd.), VIZAG India.

Customer Name: Mr. Srinivas

Associated industry: Manufacturing Plant

Designation: Sr. Manager (Engineering Dept.)

Tank Installed location: NHVS, VIZAG India

Tank Specification: Stainless Steel Panel Tank, capacity 48000L (4x3x4H)


NHVS (Northeast Electric Group High Voltage Switchgear Co. Ltd.), Vizag India. 

According to “China High Voltage Switchgear Industry Almanac 2009”, NHVS became one of the three largest high voltage switchgear manufacturers in China in terms of production value.

New Northeast Electric Group High Voltage Switchgear Co. Ltd. (NHVS) is a professional electric manufacturing enterprise specialized in design, development, manufacturing and sales for high voltage, extra high voltage and ultra-high voltage switchgear equipment used in the field of power transmission and distribution system.

Loading and Transportation of tank from Neemrana to Visakhapatnam

The Tank was transported from Beltecno Neemrana to NHVS, Vizag using road transport and successfully installed at site.


 Loading and transportation of tank from Beltecno Neemrana to HSVS Vizag, India.

Application of Tank

NSVS chose to go with Beltecno’s SS panel tank for domestic water supply within their manufacturing plant.

Tank_Application .png

 Application of Beltecno SS panel Tank

Step 1- Government supply water is stored into a 900 KL underground RCC tank which has different partitions for each application.

Step 2- With the help of a dosing pump water passes into a MGF (Multi Grade Filter) which consists of pebbles and sand and after this first stage filtration goes to a carbon filter which is a second stage filtration, reducing the hardness of the water.

Step 3 & 4- The filtered water is then supplied to Beltecno’s SS water tank and through feeding pumps is distributed into different channels.

Customer testimonial

I am Ankur Verma from Beltecno India, handling the Global Key Accounts, conducted a short questionnaire with Mr. Srinivas from NHVS and Mr. Nihar from Siwoo Tech Engineering to receive their feedback.

Q1- Overall, how satisfied were you with your new Tank? And How about the Quality and finish of Tank? 

A- We received the shipment before the committed date which was the best part and it was received in safe, well packed condition. Regarding the Quality and finish we all are very much impressed with the tank: all Supports/Reinforcements are nicely welded and will definitely make the tank 100% efficient.

Q2- How did your tank perform so far?

A- As we are already using this tank, so far, performance is wonderful.

Q3- What are the feedbacks from your technical team & other end users after seeing our tank?

A- With a smile, Mr. Srinivas said, “The structure is very unique, as our main application is to use this in normal water supply inside the factory and also for cooling tower. It’s perfect. As well, I am seeing this type of water tank for the first time in India”.

Q4- How frequently are you planning to maintain the tank?

A- As the tank is still not handed over to us, once that is done, we are planning to appoint one dedicated resource to maintain the tank.

Q5- How much do you rate Beltecno’s customer service and support?

A- We have never experienced a problem regarding the product so far.

Q6- Based on your awareness of SS water tanks, what do you think about our panel tank?

A- The tank is in perfect condition. We found it unique as I said. This product will definitely revolutionize the upcoming factory setups and industry standards in India because panel tanks are easy to install and also they have very good strength.

Q7- Based on your experience with Beltecno, how likely are you to buy our product again?

A- We are already planning to go for the Beltecno SS Tank in our next factory expansion which will take place in the coming four or five months.

Q8- Would you recommend this product to others?

A- Yes definitely. Moreover, I have already discussed this product with a few of my stakeholders from other organizations. Being a mechanical engineer, I appreciate the technology and engineering involved in making this tank.


Mr. Srinivas (Mid) from NHVS and Mr. Ankur Verma from Beltecno India (Right)

Q9- If you would like to share any additional comments or experiences about our Product, Design, Delivery or any other services please share.

A- We are totally satisfied with this product and will definitely go for this in the near future but this time we will also add a water level gauge in our PO, which is the only missing feature in this tank.

It was a wonderful discussion with Mr. Srinivas and their team.  We would like to thank everyone for their valuable time and support during the session.


Thank you very much                                                                                   


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