National Water Mission, an initiative by Department of water resources, River development & Ganga Rejuvenation and Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India.

Objective of National Water Mission.
- Increasing Water Use Efficiency in industries.
- Conservation of water
- Minimizing its wastage.
- Ensuring its more equitable distribution both across and within states.
- Through integrated water resources development and management.
The major goals of national water mission is to prepare a comprehensive water database in public domain and assessment of impact of climate change on water resources, promotion of citizen and state action for water conservation, augmentation and preservation, focused attention to the vulnerable areas including over-exploited areas, increasing water use efficiency by 20% and promotion of basin level Integrated water resources Management.

About the Workshop on "Increasing Water Use Efficiency in Industries"
A one day workshop on industry focus on water use efficiency and how to increase that, was full of energy and innovative ideas and achievement so far. Dignitaries all over the major industrial organizations, were present during the workshop.
It started with the welcome address by Mr. G Asok Kumar, Addl Secretary & Mission Director, National Water Mission and followed by the inaugural address by Mr. UP Singh, Secretary, Department of Water resources, RD & GR.
Following were three major themes, discussed during the workshop.
- Enhancing Water Use Efficiency : Challenges, Opportunities & Solutions.
- Towards Zero Liquid Discharge in Industries - Reality Check.
- Stakeholders' perspectives towards enhancing WVE in Industries.
Beltecno got appreciation from various industry experts and dignitaries for being one of the major suppliers of industrial water storage tanks for our contribution towards zero liquid discharge in industries.

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